Sunday, August 9, 2009

Highlight everything and then center it.

I found a book of Audrey Hepburn quotes at the book store. I wanted it.

The weather man was talking about rain. That got me thinking about this one time Camille and I went to the avenue just for fun. It started raining really hard. Like, buckets of water pouring from the sky. We took our shoes off and put them in the car, then we jumped out into the rain. It was really very fun. My cigarette got completely soaked, but I didn't care. We ran through the street jumping in puddles. I kept thinking we should have been tap dancing in unison with Gene Kelly. Alas.
Simple things.

Later that night we went back to my house for drinks.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your story about rain, and your reference to my favorite film musical of all time.
    You made me think of a time when I was in New York city, over a year ago. I was meeting my brother in Uptown, at either the northernmost part of Central Park, or some smaller park that was way up there. I can't remember now. We were going to see shakespeare, and I really looked forward to it. He was going to be getting there a bit later than me, because he was working. I took the train, played with Model Magic and talked to a strange man, an actor, while I rode northwards. Then I started walking around, finding my way, bit by bit. I passed a cafe, I think it was called the Carrot Cake Cafe? I bought myself a sandwich and a drink, and I took them with me to the park. I walked, and passed a donut shop, and walked onwards, to the park. The roads got strange. one way streets, residential areas, an antique shop that was all closed up. It had an awning out, over its steps. It looked very cramped inside. I walked on, and suddenly I was a road that was skirting the park. I walked around, inside it, feeling strange. There was a body of water. I went around to one side of it, sat down, and ate half of my sandwich. Then I got up again, trying to find where this playing would be. I was damned confused. Then it started to rain. It didn't take long for it to gain intensity. I had been walking, but then I began running. It was so heavy and so fast and so thick, I could have been swimming and I might have stayed drier. I took shelter near a tree, and found that it did nothing, so I ran, blinded by the terrible water, keeping my head down and glancing up only sometimes, to keep my bearings. By the time I had found my way back to the street, i was wet and angry and frightened, and the rain was letting up (Only then!). I went and sat under the awning at the antique shop and finished my sandwich. Then a man, who thought I was homeless, and with misgivings because of his internal conjecture, closed the awning, because he had to, he said. I think he was mainly trying to get me to keep from loitering, now that I think about it, though he was adorably sad about doing it. I think he was australian, based on his accent. It had almost completely stopped raining, so I didn't much mind. I told him that my brother would be here soon, so I should just start walking, anyway. I'm sure that this confused him. Eventually I found Colin, and we took shelter in the donut shop, with our friend Keith, who had come along. Colin lent me a pair of shorts he had in his bag, because my pants with sopping wet, and I cleaned myself up in the public restroom, ate two donuts. It was a strange rain.
