Sunday, December 16, 2012

Today's Five

Ok, today's pictures are kinda weird. I find it hard to make time to shoot most days. To make the most of my time I have resorted to shooting from the passengers seat of my boyfriends car. He loves to drive all over the place, and I love to ride in cars. I moved a lot when I was a kid. My family spent a lot of time in an 18 passenger dodge van. I have a big family. The van had really long windows. I loved to look out of the windows. There was so much highway, so many cars, so many people in the cars. I wondered about all of it. The best times were at night. The moon would be up high in the sky and I would watch it for as long as it took for our van to pass it. I don't know how much I like these pictures... but the process was liberating. I felt like Annie Leibovitz.

These were taken on back roads in Pomfret, CT.

These next two were taken yesterday in the car. I am posting them specifically for Marissa because she likes trees.
I'm sorry if they look too dark, I don't have photoshop. And sorry about the mailbox (although I kind of like it) I took these from the car as well.


  1. These are so good, i love 'em. This tree, where is it? I must find

  2. It is in like...Woodstock I think. On the way to MA. I'll drive you up there some time.
